News letter

Starry Dome (show in the english language)

Planetarium show in the english language for tourists, students and for all the non-italian speaking people who want to enjoy the Planetarium of Padova

Sit down on a comfortable armchair and let the journey begin! Travelling through planets and stars you’ll discover the universe and its secrets.

The first part of the show is a live lesson: taking advantage of the planetarium’s digital technology, an astronomer will guide you to constellations, deep sky objects and planets you can find in the seasonal night sky. The second part is a full dome video.

The show, performed in ENGLISH language, lasts about one hour.


You can book your seats using the online form or just  sending an email to (specifying your name and the number of participants).


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Tutti i diritti riservati.

Via Alvise Cornaro, 1
Padova (PD) 35100
per Info e Prenotazioni in Segreteria​ Tel 049 773677
da Lunedì al Sabato ore 9:00 - 12:00 e 15:30 - 18:30

Planetario di Padova - C.F.: 92217160289 - Partita IVA: 04441230283